Sunday, May 16, 2021

Whatsapp forward on Hitler

1. *Hitler married but appeared single.*
2. *Hitler had a belief that people of a certain religion were enemies of the nation.*
3. *Hitler’s supporters could not tolerate any criticism of Hitler.*
5. *All types of media e.g. newspapers, magazines were used to promote him.*
6. *He crushed all his opponents and would always call them anti-nationals/traitors.*
9. *Hitler’s campaign promise was that he would end all problems in a jiffy.*
10. *No problems were solved after he came to power, but he certainly managed to destroy Germany.*
11. *His campaign slogan was – "gute tage kommen" (good days will come).*
14. *Hitler used to love dressing up to look good.*
15. *Hitler had the consummate art of making lies look like truth.*
17. *Hitler used to love giving speeches on Radio.*
19. *Hitler always used in his speeches “Freunde, Brüder und Schwestern” (friends, brothers and sisters).*
20. *Hitler used to love getting photographed.*

_(P.S: This post is about Hitler. Any imagined resemblance to anybody you know is a figment of your own imagination)