Friday, January 24, 2020

NO Christians - No World.


Bi cycle =  *Mac milan.* 
Bike = *J. Dailer.*
Auto= *Jonathan Scobie.*
Car = *Carl benz.*
Motar Car= *Austin.*
Jeep = *w. L. Zedson.*
Bus = *Gold Vaas.*
Aero Plane= *wright Bros.*
Rail = *Richard Trivitick.*
Tractor= *John Froclich.*
JCB= *Josep C Bamford.*
Battery = *A. Wolt.*
Electic= *Bejamin franklin.*
Bulb= *Thomas A Edison.*
Dyanamo= *M Faraday.*
Gas Engine= *Daimier.*
Diseal Engine= *R Diseal.*
Welder= *Etish Thomson.*
Railway Engine = *stephen son.*
LPG Gas= *Dr.Walter DS*
Mike = *Hores Short.*
Pen =  *Louis Warerman.*
Iron Box= *HW Sule.*
Matches = *John Walker.*
Camera= *John Carbet.*
Digital Camera= *Stevan.*
Razor= *Kings J Gillette.*
Rubber= *C Good Year.*
Refrizarator= *James Harrison, Alexander Kytsin.*
Saftey Pin= *Walter Hunt.*
Sewing Machine = *Barthalome Tymoniv.*
Lens =  *Venis (Vincy).*
Eye Glass= *Salvino D A.*
T V= *Baird. John Logi.*
Phone=  *Grahambell A.*
Computer= *Charles Babez.*
Mobile= *martin.* Cooper.
SD Card= *Rolnd Moreno.*
Paints= *Shalimar.*
Steel= *Henry Besmar.*
Cement= *Joesp Aspadin.*
Tiles= *German Missionaries.*
Tiolet= *Thomas Crapper.*
Pant= *George Bryon.*
Shirt= *Beyonce.*
Jean Pant= *Jacob Devis.*
Bra= *Marie Tucok.*
Cricket= *WJ Grace.*
Volley ball= *Morgan Willson.*
Foot ball= *Robert Kane*
Peniciline = *A Fleming.*
Plastic Surgery = *Archibald. Hecter M*
Polio= *Jonas Salk.*
SmallPox = *Edward Jenner.*
XRay= *Willhelm Ranjen.*
Insulin= *Frederick  Bantig. Charles H Best.*
Quinine= *pierra Joseph.*
Stent Heart= *Julio Palmaz.*
Plaster= *Paul Beiersdorf.*
Anestetic= *William Marton.*
Anthrox= *Louis Pasteur.*
Antiseptic= *Joseph Lister.*
Artificial Heart= *Denton Cooley.*
Artificial Hip   = *JohnCharnley.*
Skin= *John F.  Loannis.*
Birth control pills = *Gregory Pincus. Min Chuch.*
Blood Transfusion = *Thomas Bludell.*
Contact Lens= *Adolf Fick.*
Cough Drops = *James smith.*
Syringe= *Colin Murdoch*

The reason to post this is in response to the other communities who say Christianity  did nothing  to the world. If we debate, everyone will understand who does and who doesn't.

May the eyes be opened to see the power of Christ in single man and in the world.