Sunday, April 30, 2017

Have you tried open source on Windows?

It is given by Microsoft.

1. Android
3. Angular.js
4. Apache Cordova
5. Boost
6. Box2D
7. Bullet
8. Chef
9. CMake
10. Cocos2D-x
11. CouchDB
12. Dash.js
13. Docker
14. Drupal
15. Eclipse
16. Grunt
17. Hadoop
18. jQuery
19. Kinet Common
20. Bridge
21. Linux
22. MangoDB
23. Moodle
24. Node.js
25. OpenCV
26. openFrameworks
28. PHP
29. Puppet
30. Redis
31. SignalR
32. three.js
33. Vagrant
34. WinJS
35. Xamarin

and more...

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Saturday, April 01, 2017

Jesus tree